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Sprachen lernen vor Ort

Endlich wieder Exeter, Dublin, Bath, Montpellier, Tours, Nizza, Antibes …

Das erste Mal seit 2019 haben im ersten Semester des Schuljahres 2023/2024 erneut Sprachaufenthalte der zweiten und dritten lehrbegleitenden Klassen stattgefunden. Nach mehreren Corona-Unterbrüchen erfahren die Lernenden erlebnisreiche Aufenthalte in Grossbritannien und Frankreich. Zwei Schülerinnen berichten.

Gianni Fasoli
10. Januar 2024

Giuliana Schafroths Begegnung mit einem Seehund 

Begleitet und betreut von ihren Fachlehrpersonen waren die Lernenden zu zweit in Gastfamilien untergebracht und genossen während zwei Wochen 50 Lektionen Unterricht. Die Gespräche in den Gastfamilien waren eine gute Gelegenheit, das bereits Erlernte in einem authentischen Kontext zu üben und erlaubten auch, zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen aufzubauen. Ausserschulische Aktivitäten und Exkursionen trugen zusätzlich dazu bei, den Lernenden Land und Leute näher zu bringen. 

Zwei Schülerinnen, die mit ihrer Klasse in Dublin stationiert waren, lassen uns in der Zielsprache an einer besonderen Begegnung teilhaben, die sie mit der Gastfamilie erlebten und an einem unerwarteten Motivationsschub aus der Heimat.

A special experience – von Giuliana Schafroth, KE22-25b

During our language stay in Ireland, my friends and I decided to go to Howth, a lovely place by the sea in Dublin. It turned out to be an amazing day with beautiful sights and a wonderful view.  We went there by car with our host family. When we arrived in Howth, the first thing that we saw was the breathtaking view of the sea. We walked along the coast and took some photos of the sea. A bit later, two of our friends arrived there too. 

But the real highlight of our day was yet to come. Suddenly we all turned our heads, and there it was – a little seal looking out of the water. 

Unfortunately, the seal wasn’t there for long, so we walked back again to sit in a café. But then, on our way back, there was another seal looking curiously at us! This one was very close to the coast, and we could see it clearly from up close. It seemed as interested in us as we were in it. A man came who fed the seal with some fish. We were able to take some lovely photos and videos of it. 

As we left Howth that day, the memory of the beautiful sea and our charming seal friend stayed with us. 

Dairy entry – von Eliana Krasniqi, KE22-25b

Dublin, September 20
When my alarm clock woke me up on this Wednesday morning, I got myself ready just like I had every day until now. However, that day I wanted to match my outfit with my school bag. For this purpose, I had to put my school materials from my beige school bag which I had used the day before into my black school bag. While reaching for my black bag I felt something. Therefore, I impatiently opened it and was overwhelmed with what I saw: it was my favorite chocolate that my mother had secretly hidden in my bag! Beside that there was a note stuck to the banana chocolate with my mother's handwriting that said: «Te dua shum - nga Mama», which means «I love you so much - from Mama» in my mother’s language, Albanian. 

With this note in mind, I started my day with a bright smile and could not wait to call my mother and thank her. This little message made my day and reminded me of how little things can have such a positive impact on someone's day.

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